Unlocking the Potential of Digital Advertising: VAST and MRAID

Digital advertising has transformed the way businesses connect with their target audience, offering unparalleled opportunities for engagement and brand exposure. Two crucial technologies in the realm of digital advertising are VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) and MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions). These standards play a vital role in delivering seamless and interactive ad experiences across different platforms and devices. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and significance of VAST and MRAID in the dynamic world of digital advertising.


Streamlining Video Ad Delivery: VAST, an industry-standard XML-based protocol, is designed to streamline the delivery of video ads across various digital platforms. It provides a standardized template for video ad serving, ensuring compatibility between ad servers and video players. VAST allows advertisers to deliver video ads that are dynamically rendered and optimized for different devices and screen sizes. It supports various ad formats, including pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, and interactive overlays, enabling seamless integration with video content. With VAST, advertisers can measure key metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, and viewability, gaining valuable insights into campaign performance.

How Does a VAST Tag Work?

The VAST working process can be summarized in just three events.

VAST Request:

This is the request the video player sends to the ad server to retrieve the ad.

VAST Inline Response:

The ad server receives the request and responds with an inline response containing the media files and necessary tracking URLs.

Tracking URLs Pinged

Once the desired/specified events have occurred, the video player will fire the tracking pixels/URLs to let other parties record and measure impressions.

The working varies slightly if a second ad server is involved in the flow.


Enabling Interactive Mobile Ad Experiences: MRAID “Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions”, is an industry-standard API (Application Programming Interface) developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to facilitate the creation of rich media ads for mobile devices. MRAID empowers advertisers to deliver engaging and interactive ad experiences within mobile apps. It provides a set of predefined commands and features that enable ad developers to create ads with functionalities such as expandable banners, interactivity, video playback, and device sensors integration. MRAID also ensures cross-platform compatibility, allowing advertisers to reach users across various mobile operating systems.

What can MRAID do?

MRAID serves as a tool for In-App inventory to adjust the size of a running creative, obtain details about its position on the screen, and gather information regarding the screen size. It also provides additional features such as the ability to save photos in the device memory, create a calendar event, and access the native video player.

Below is a list of all the methods available in the API defined by MRAID, grouped by functionality:

Methods used for size change / expansionOther UI functionalityNon UI functionality
  • close
  • expand
  • resize
  • getCurrentPosition
  • getDefaultPosition
  • getMaxSize
  • getResizeProperties
  • getScreenSize
  • getState
  • setExpandProperties
  • setResizeProperties
  • useCustomClose
  • open
  • createCalendarEvent
  • playVideo
  • storePicture
  • addEventListener
  • getPlacementType
  • getVersion
  • isViewable
  • removeEventListener
  • supports

It’s clear that 50% of MRAID’s defined methods pertain to size changes. This is due to the creative’s inability to communicate with the app in the same way it does with the browser on mobile and desktop web.

Key Features and Benefits:

a) Seamless Cross-Platform Compatibility: Both VAST and MRAID provide standardized formats and protocols, ensuring compatibility across different platforms and devices. This compatibility enables advertisers to reach their target audience effectively, regardless of the device or operating system being used.

b) Enhanced User Experience: VAST and MRAID enable the creation of engaging, interactive, and dynamic ad experiences. Video ads served through VAST provide seamless integration with video content, while MRAID allows for rich media ads that can be expanded, provide interactive elements, and utilize device features, resulting in enhanced user engagement.

c) Standardized Measurement and Reporting: VAST and MRAID provide standardized metrics and measurement capabilities, allowing advertisers to track and analyze the performance of their ads consistently. This data-driven approach enables advertisers to optimize their campaigns, improve targeting, and maximize return on investment.

d) Industry Adoption and Support: VAST and MRAID are widely adopted industry standards, ensuring broad support from ad servers, publishers, and mobile app developers. This widespread adoption facilitates smoother ad delivery and implementation, reducing technical complexities and increasing efficiency.

Significance in Digital Advertising:

VAST and MRAID play crucial roles in the world of digital advertising by providing standardized formats, seamless compatibility, and enhanced interactivity. These technologies enable advertisers to deliver engaging ad experiences that capture users’ attention, drive brand awareness, and increase conversions. With the ability to measure performance and optimize campaigns based on standardized metrics, VAST and MRAID empower advertisers to make data-driven decisions and achieve better results in their digital advertising endeavors.

VAST and MRAID are essential components of the digital advertising ecosystem, enabling advertisers to create seamless, interactive, and measurable ad experiences across platforms and devices. These industry standards enhance user engagement, facilitate cross-platform compatibility, and provide valuable insights for optimizing campaign performance. By leveraging the power of VAST and MRAID, advertisers can unlock the full potential of digital advertising, delivering compelling ad experiences that resonate with their target audience and drive business growth in the dynamic digital landscape.


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