Video Ads

Video ADS

In the fast-paced world of digital advertising, video has emerged as a captivating and influential medium. Video ads have the unique ability to engage and communicate with audiences on a deeper level, making them a valuable tool for businesses to connect with their target customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of video ads, their benefits, and how they can elevate your advertising campaigns.

Video advertising is promotional content that plays before, during, or after streaming content. However, some marketing professionals expand the video advertising definition to include display ads with video content, social media video ads, and native video ads promoted on websites, such as news sites, entertainment sites, or e-commerce sites. 

Video ads have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. With the proliferation of high-speed internet and the widespread use of mobile devices, video consumption has skyrocketed. Platforms like YouTube, social media networks, and streaming services have become go-to destinations for video content, creating a vast and receptive audience for video ads.

Reasons why you should use Video Ads

Using video ads in your marketing campaigns offers several compelling advantages due to their dynamic and engaging nature. Here are some key reasons why you should consider incorporating video ads into your advertising strategy:

  1. High Engagement: Video content is inherently engaging. It combines visuals, motion, and sound to captivate audiences, making it more likely that viewers will watch your ad until the end.

  2. Storytelling Opportunities: Video allows you to tell a more comprehensive and emotionally resonant story about your brand, product, or service. You can evoke emotions and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

  3. Increased Conversions: Video ads can lead to higher conversion rates. When viewers are engaged and emotionally invested, they are more likely to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up.

  4. Better Recall and Retention: People tend to remember visual content better than text or images alone. Video ads leave a lasting impression, increasing brand recall among viewers.

  5. Demonstration and Education: Video is an effective medium for demonstrating how your product works, showcasing its features, and educating viewers about its benefits. This can be especially useful for complex or technical products.

  6. Enhanced Brand Awareness: Engaging and memorable video content can significantly boost brand awareness. Your brand’s message and personality can be conveyed effectively through visuals, music, and narrative.

  7. Wide Reach: Video ads can be shared and distributed across various online platforms, including social media, video-sharing platforms, websites, and more, allowing you to reach a broader audience.

  8. Mobile Consumption: With the rise of mobile device usage, video ads are easily consumable on smartphones and tablets. They cater to on-the-go audiences and users who prefer visual content.

  9. SEO Benefits: Video content can improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines often prioritize pages with video content, leading to better search rankings.

  10. Social Media Dominance: Video is highly shareable on social media platforms, making it easier for your content to go viral and reach a wider audience.

  11. Various Ad Formats: Video ads come in various formats, such as in-stream ads, video banners, and video stories, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your campaign goals.

  12. Data Insights: Many video platforms provide detailed analytics, allowing you to track metrics like views, engagement rates, and audience demographics. These insights help you refine your strategy.

  13. Audience Engagement: Live video streaming and interactive video formats enable real-time engagement with your audience through comments, likes, and direct interactions.

  14. Differentiation: In markets saturated with text and image ads, video ads stand out. They provide an opportunity to differentiate your brand and grab users’ attention.

What are the types of Video Ads?

There are several types of video ads, each tailored to different platforms, goals, and audience preferences. Below are some common types of video ads along with their specifications for various platforms. Please note that specifications may vary over time, so it’s essential to check the latest guidelines provided by the respective platforms.

  1. In-Stream Video Ads: In-stream ads play before, during, or after the main video content that users intend to watch. They can be skippable or non-skippable.

    • YouTube In-Stream Ads:
      • Video Length: Skippable ads can be up to 6 minutes; non-skippable ads are typically around 15-20 seconds.
      • Thumbnail Image: 300 x 60 pixels (for skippable ads).
  2. Outstream Video Ads: Outstream ads are autoplay video ads that appear within content such as articles or app feeds. They’re designed for platforms where video content isn’t the primary focus.

    • Facebook Outstream Ads:
      • Video Length: 5-15 seconds.
      • Aspect Ratio: 16:9 to 9:16.
      • Video Format: MP4 or MOV.
  3. Social Media Feed Video Ads: These video ads appear in users’ social media feeds, such as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    • Instagram Feed Video Ads:
      • Video Length: Up to 60 seconds.
      • Aspect Ratio: 1:1, 4:5, 16:9.
      • Video Format: MP4.
  4. Carousel Video Ads: Carousel ads allow multiple video segments or images within a single ad unit, often swiped horizontally.

    • Instagram Carousel Video Ads:
      • Video Length: Up to 60 seconds.
      • Aspect Ratio: 1:1, 4:5, 16:9.
      • Video Format: MP4.
  5. Stories Video Ads: These ads appear within the “stories” feature on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

    • Facebook and Instagram Stories Video Ads:
      • Video Length: Up to 15 seconds.
      • Aspect Ratio: 9:16.
      • Video Format: MP4.
  6. Bumper Video Ads: Bumper ads are very short, non-skippable ads designed for quick brand exposure.

    • YouTube Bumper Ads:
      • Video Length: Up to 6 seconds.
      • Aspect Ratio: 16:9, 1:1, 9:16.
      • Video Format: MP4, MOV, GIF.
  7. Live Video Ads: Live video ads are streamed in real time and often used for events, product launches, and Q&A sessions.

    • Facebook Live Video Ads:
      • Video Length: Live stream duration.
      • Video Format: Live video broadcast.
  8. Interactive Video Ads: Interactive video ads allow viewers to engage with the content by making choices or taking actions within the video.

    • YouTube TrueView for Action Ads:
      • Video Length: Up to 30 seconds (skippable).
      • Aspect Ratio: 16:9.
      • Video Format: MP4, MOV.
Linear video ad
Non linear video overlay

Best Practices for Video Ads:

Creating effective video ads involves a combination of creativity, storytelling, and understanding your target audience. Here are some best practices to consider when creating video ads:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s preferences, demographics, interests, and pain points. Tailor your video content to resonate with their needs.

  2. Clear Message: Keep your message concise and clear. Within the first few seconds, viewers should understand what the ad is about and why it’s relevant to them.

  3. Storytelling: Develop a compelling narrative that captures attention and engages emotions. Effective storytelling can help create a memorable and relatable connection with the audience.

  4. Hook in the First Few Seconds: The beginning of your video is crucial. Use an attention-grabbing hook to entice viewers to keep watching. This could be a provocative question, a surprising fact, or an intriguing visual.

  5. Visual Quality: Invest in good production quality. High-resolution visuals, professional editing, and clear audio are essential to maintaining a polished appearance.

  6. Mobile-Friendly: Many people watch videos on mobile devices. Ensure your video is optimized for various screen sizes and orientations.

  7. Length: Keep your video concise. For most platforms, shorter videos (15-60 seconds) tend to perform better, especially for grabbing attention quickly.

  8. Emotion: Evoke emotions that align with your message. Positive emotions like joy, inspiration, and humor often work well, but it depends on your brand and the product/service you’re promoting.

  9. Music and Sound: Choose background music and sound effects that complement the video’s tone and message. Music can greatly influence the emotional impact of your video.

  10. Solve a Problem: Highlight how your product or service solves a problem or fulfills a need for your target audience. Showcasing real-life scenarios can make your video more relatable.

  11. Consistency: Maintain a consistent style and tone across your video ads. This helps build brand recognition and reinforces your message.

  12. Testing Thumbnails and Titles: If your video is being shared on platforms like YouTube, test different video thumbnails and titles to see which combination generates the most clicks.

What AdTech Platforms Are Involved in Serving Video Ads?

Several AdTech platforms play crucial roles in serving video ads across digital channels. These platforms facilitate various aspects of video ad delivery, targeting, measurement, and optimization. Here are some key AdTech platforms involved in serving video ads:

  1. Ad Servers:

    • Google Ad Manager (formerly DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP): A comprehensive ad server that helps publishers manage, deliver, and optimize video ads across various digital platforms.
    • Freewheel: A premium ad server specializing in video ad management and monetization for broadcasters and media companies.
  2. Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs):

    • The Trade Desk: A popular DSP that enables advertisers to purchase and manage video ad inventory across multiple ad exchanges and publishers.
    • DV360 (Google Display & Video 360): A programmatic buying platform that allows advertisers to manage video ad campaigns across Google’s ad exchange and other inventory sources.
  3. Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs):

    • SpotX: An SSP that helps publishers maximize revenue by managing and optimizing video ad inventory through programmatic auctions.
    • PubMatic: An SSP that provides tools for publishers to manage and monetize their video ad inventory.
  4. Video Ad Exchanges:

    • Teads: A global video ad exchange that connects advertisers with premium publisher inventory.
    • OpenX: An ad exchange that offers video ad solutions for both advertisers and publishers.
  5. Data Management Platforms (DMPs):

    • Lotame: A DMP that aggregates and analyzes data to help advertisers and publishers target specific audiences for video ad campaigns.
  6. Verification and Measurement Platforms:

    • IAS (Integral Ad Science): Offers ad verification and measurement solutions to ensure video ads are delivered in a brand-safe and viewable environment.
    • MOAT: Provides ad measurement and analytics to help advertisers understand the effectiveness of their video ad campaigns.
  7. Creative Management Platforms:

    • Celtra: A creative management platform that assists advertisers in designing, building, and optimizing interactive video ad creatives for various devices and platforms.
    • Bonzai: A platform that helps advertisers create engaging and interactive video ad experiences without requiring extensive technical expertise.
  8. Ad Networks:

    • BrightRoll (Yahoo! Advertising): An ad network that connects advertisers with video inventory across Yahoo properties and partner sites.
    • AdColony: A mobile-centric ad network that specializes in delivering video ads within mobile apps.
  9. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

    • Akamai: A CDN that helps optimize the delivery of video ads, ensuring fast load times and smooth playback across devices and locations.

These platforms collectively form the AdTech ecosystem that powers the creation, distribution, targeting, measurement, and optimization of video ad campaigns across digital platforms, including websites, mobile apps, connected TVs, and more. Advertisers and publishers often use a combination of these platforms to achieve their specific campaign goals and reach their target audiences effectively.

The Video Ad Serving Process

The video ad serving process involves delivering video advertisements to viewers on digital platforms. It’s a complex sequence of events that ensures the right ad is displayed to the right audience at the right time. Here’s an overview of the video ad serving process:

  1. Publisher’s Website or App: The process begins when a user visits a website or opens a mobile app that supports video ads. This website or app is referred to as the publisher’s platform.

  2. Ad Request: When a user initiates a video playback or interacts with the content, the publisher’s platform sends an ad request to an ad server. The ad request contains information about the user, the context of the content, and the available ad slots.

  3. Ad Server: The ad server is a technology platform that acts as an intermediary between advertisers and publishers. It receives the ad request from the publisher’s platform and decides which ad to deliver based on various factors, including user demographics, location, behavior, and available ad inventory.

  4. Ad Selection and Targeting: The ad server’s decision-making process involves selecting the most relevant ad from its inventory. This decision is often driven by targeting criteria set by the advertiser, such as user demographics, interests, browsing history, and real-time data.

  5. Ad Creative Retrieval: Once the ad is selected, the ad server retrieves the corresponding ad creative (video file), along with any accompanying assets like thumbnails, subtitles, and companion banners.

  6. Ad VAST/VPAID Parsing: If the ad creative is in a standard video ad format (VAST or VPAID), the publisher’s player parses this format to understand details about the ad’s duration, playback controls, tracking events, and interactive elements.

  7. Ad Playback: The publisher’s video player begins playing the selected ad creative in the designated ad slot. The ad is displayed to the user based on the video player’s layout and user interface.

  8. Tracking and Measurement: During ad playback, various tracking events are triggered. These events include impressions (when the ad is viewed), clicks (when the user interacts with the ad), quartiles (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% completion), and more. These events are used to measure ad performance and engagement.

  9. Companion Banners and Overlays: Some video ads may include companion banners or overlays that are displayed alongside the video content. These elements provide additional context, branding, or interactivity.

  10. Post-Ad Actions: Depending on the ad’s call to action (CTA), users might be directed to a landing page, a product page, a signup form, or any other destination specified by the advertiser.

  1. Data Reporting: The ad server collects data from the ad tracking events and compiles reports for advertisers and publishers. This data helps evaluate the success of the ad campaign and provides insights for optimization.

The video ad serving process involves the coordination of various technologies, including ad servers, video players, and tracking mechanisms. Advertisers and publishers collaborate to ensure that ads are delivered effectively, targeted accurately, and measured appropriately to achieve their respective goals.

Why Is the Adoption of VAST 4.2 Important for the Ad Industry?

VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) 4.2 is an update to the VAST standard, which is widely used in the digital advertising industry to define how video ads should be served and displayed across different platforms. The adoption of VAST 4.2 brings several important benefits and advancements to the ad industry:

  1. Enhanced Video Ad Capabilities: VAST 4.2 introduces new features and capabilities that enhance the overall quality and interactivity of video ads. This includes support for higher-quality video formats, better ad verification mechanisms, and improved tracking and measurement options.

  2. Improved User Experience: VAST 4.2 allows for more seamless and engaging user experiences. It supports features like interactive overlays, which can provide additional information or interactivity without disrupting the main video content.

  3. Better Ad Targeting and Personalization: VAST 4.2 enables more advanced ad targeting options by allowing dynamic content insertion within the ad itself. This means advertisers can tailor the ad experience based on user demographics, location, and other real-time data, leading to more relevant and personalized ads.

  4. Cross-Platform Consistency: VAST 4.2 ensures a consistent ad experience across various devices and platforms, including desktops, mobile devices, smart TVs, and more. This consistency is crucial for maintaining brand messaging and user engagement regardless of the device being used.

  5. Ad Verification and Security: VAST 4.2 includes improved mechanisms for ad verification and fraud detection. This helps ensure that ads are delivered in a safe and secure manner, reducing the risk of ad fraud and providing more confidence to advertisers and publishers.

  6. Standardized Ad Measurement: VAST 4.2 introduces standardized measurement methods for ad viewability and engagement, making it easier for advertisers to track and compare the performance of their video ads across different platforms and campaigns.

  7. Support for Emerging Ad Formats: As the digital advertising landscape evolves, new ad formats and technologies emerge. VAST 4.2 is designed to accommodate these changes, allowing the industry to stay current and adapt to evolving trends.

  8. Efficiency and Cost Savings: The adoption of standardized ad-serving templates like VAST 4.2 streamlines the process of creating, serving, and measuring video ads. This can lead to cost savings and increased operational efficiency for both advertisers and publishers.

  9. Industry Collaboration: By adopting a common standard like VAST 4.2, the entire advertising ecosystem benefits from increased interoperability and collaboration. Advertisers, agencies, ad networks, publishers, and technology providers can work together more seamlessly.

  10. Future-Proofing: As the digital advertising landscape evolves, staying up-to-date with industry standards like VAST 4.2 ensures that advertisers and publishers are well-prepared to take advantage of new opportunities and technologies.

Video Advertising Examples

A creative approach to creating a promotional video increases your chances of enhancing brand recognition and customer engagement. If you don’t have any ideas for your video ad yet, we hope our examples will guide and hook you with their originality.

Reebok and 25,915 Days

The famous footwear manufacturer proves that a powerful video ad message can reach out to people and push them towards action without words. The campaign was created to show people that they have so many opportunities to reach their goals, become better versions of themselves, and explore the world during their life (the average human life expectancy is 25,915 days).

Google Android and Friends Furever

Android, with the help of a bright, friendly, and nice-to-watch video, managed to win viewers’ attention fast. Its simplicity and originality made it the most shared video in 2015. It went viral on Twitter and Facebook, and the number of shares reached 6,432,921. In the ad, people can see the friendship between different animals.

John Lewis

The Christmas 2021 video by British retailer John Lewis that got close to 3 million views in less than six months.


Nike’s 2021 ad campaign, “Best Day Ever”, for the Tokyo Olympics, a quirky and engaging video envisioning how tomorrow will look for sports. The campaign ran a 15-second video as well as a longer 1-minute version, racking up 58 million views in a year on YouTube alone.

Web of Fries (Taco Bell)

Perspective (Apple)

The video goes on to illustrate its theme with dazzling feats of perspective. Each time the camera pans around the white loft we only understand what the quote says when we arrive at just the right angle to view it.

Cons of Video Advertising:

  1. Ad Avoidance: Some viewers may use ad-blockers or skip video ads, potentially reducing the reach of campaigns.

  2. Attention Span: Capturing viewers’ attention in a world of constant content consumption can be challenging, especially with shorter attention spans.

  3. Production Costs: High-quality video production can be expensive and time-consuming, particularly for elaborate or complex ads.

  4. Cluttered Environment: The abundance of video content can lead to a competitive landscape where standing out requires creativity and strategic placement.

  5. Viewability Concerns: Ensuring that video ads are actually seen by users, especially on mobile devices, can be a concern for advertisers.

  6. Data Privacy: Advertisers must navigate data privacy regulations and ensure ethical data practices when targeting users with video ads.

Video advertising remains a vital and dynamic component of the digital marketing landscape. While it comes with its challenges, its potential to engage, connect, and influence audiences makes it a valuable tool for brands looking to make a meaningful impact in the digital realm. The key lies in creating compelling, relevant, and well-targeted video content that resonates with the intended audience.


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