LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing: Professional Networking Redefined

What is LinkedIn Marketing?

LinkedIn marketing refers to the process of utilizing LinkedIn to promote an individual or business to attract attention to their profile. Businesses can establish their own company pages and subpages (e.g., for specific products) on the platform and use it to:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Share content to drive traffic to a business website or blog
  • Make new business connections or nurture existing business relationships

These techniques can be used to bring greater attention to the business and, ideally, for lead generation. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, the first step is to set up a LinkedIn business profile.
LinkedIn also offers additional functionality you can take advantage of, like LinkedIn Boosting, LinkedIn ads, and Showcase Pages. The following sections provide greater details about these LinkedIn marketing components.

LinkedIn Marketing Best Practice

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking, branding, and B2B marketing. To make the most of your LinkedIn marketing efforts, follow these best practices:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Create a professional and complete LinkedIn profile. Use a high-quality profile picture, craft a compelling headline, and write a detailed summary that showcases your expertise and value.
  2. Define Your Audience: Identify your target audience on LinkedIn. Understand their job titles, industries, interests, and pain points to tailor your content effectively.
  3. Share Valuable Content: Share insightful articles, blog posts, case studies, and industry news. Provide value to your network by sharing information that informs, educates, or entertains.
  4. Use Visuals: Include images, infographics, and videos in your posts to make them more engaging and visually appealing. Visual content tends to stand out in the LinkedIn feed.
  5. Create Original Content: Write and publish original articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. Share your expertise, insights, and opinions on relevant topics to position yourself as a thought leader.
  6. Engage with Others: Like, comment, and share others’ posts to engage with your network. Meaningful interactions help you build relationships and expand your reach.
  7. Join and Participate in Groups: Join LinkedIn Groups relevant to your industry or interests. Engage in discussions, share your expertise, and connect with like-minded professionals.
  8. LinkedIn Pulse: Use LinkedIn Pulse to follow industry influencers, thought leaders, and companies. Engage with their content and stay updated on industry trends.
  9. Personalized Connection Requests: When sending connection requests, personalize your messages. Mention how you know the person or explain why you’d like to connect.
  10. Thoughtful Messaging: When sending messages, be concise and clear. Provide context for the conversation and avoid coming across as overly promotional.
  11. Use Hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags in your posts to increase the visibility of your content. Research trending and industry-specific hashtags.
  12. Consistent Posting Schedule: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged. Use analytics to determine the best times to post for your specific audience.
  13. LinkedIn Company Page: If you’re representing a company, create and maintain a LinkedIn Company Page. Share updates, company news, and showcase your products or services.
  14. Sponsored Content: Consider using LinkedIn’s sponsored content feature to target specific audiences based on demographics, job titles, and industries.
  15. LinkedIn Analytics: Monitor your LinkedIn analytics to track the performance of your posts and identify what’s resonating with your audience.
  16. Share Success Stories: Showcase customer success stories, case studies, and testimonials to demonstrate the value your products or services provide.
  17. Networking Events and Webinars: Promote and participate in networking events, webinars, and conferences to connect with professionals in your industry.
  18. Engage with Employees: Encourage your employees to engage with your content and share it with their networks. This amplifies your reach and increases your content’s visibility.

How to Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking, personal branding, and business growth. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Profile: Sign up for a LinkedIn account and complete your profile. Use a professional profile picture, write a compelling headline, and craft a detailed summary showcasing your skills, experiences, and goals.
  2. Personalize Your URL: Customize your LinkedIn profile URL to make it more professional and easier to share.
  3. Build Your Network: Connect with colleagues, peers, classmates, mentors, clients, and people you’ve worked with. Customize connection requests with a personalized message when possible.
  4. Optimize Your Profile: Add your work experience, education, skills, certifications, and any relevant accomplishments. This provides a complete picture of your professional journey.
  5. Share Valuable Content: Share industry insights, articles, news, and updates that are relevant to your field. Provide your perspective and engage with your network’s content as well.
  6. Publish Original Content: Utilize LinkedIn’s publishing platform to write and share original articles. This establishes you as a thought leader and allows you to share in-depth insights.
  7. Engage with Others: Like, comment on, and share posts from your connections. Meaningful engagement fosters relationships and increases your visibility.
  8. Use LinkedIn Pulse: Follow influential people, thought leaders, and companies in your industry using LinkedIn Pulse. Engage with their content and stay informed about industry trends.
  9. Join and Participate in Groups: Join LinkedIn Groups related to your profession or interests. Engage in discussions, ask questions, and share your expertise to expand your network.
  10. Personal Branding: Showcase your expertise by sharing your knowledge, experiences, and insights. This helps you establish a strong personal brand on the platform.
  11. Endorsements and Recommendations: Endorse your connections’ skills and request recommendations from colleagues, supervisors, or clients to enhance your credibility.
  12. LinkedIn Company Page: If you’re representing a business, create and manage a LinkedIn Company Page. Share company news, updates, and job opportunities.
  13. Job Search and Recruitment: Use LinkedIn to search for job opportunities and connect with recruiters. Optimize your profile to attract potential employers.
  14. Networking Events and Webinars: Attend virtual networking events, webinars, and conferences. Connect with professionals and learn from industry experts.
  15. Use LinkedIn Learning: Access LinkedIn Learning to enhance your skills with courses and tutorials tailored to your career goals.
  16. Engage with Insights: Use LinkedIn Analytics to track your post engagement, profile views, and other metrics. Analyze the data to refine your content strategy.
  17. Keep Your Profile Updated: Regularly update your profile with new experiences, accomplishments, and skills to reflect your professional growth.
  18. Stay Professional: LinkedIn is a professional platform, so maintain a respectful and professional tone in your interactions and posts.

How to Market on LinkedIn

Marketing on LinkedIn involves leveraging the platform’s professional network to build brand awareness, connect with potential clients, and drive business growth. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively market on LinkedIn:
  1. Optimize Your Profile and Company Page:
    • Create a compelling LinkedIn profile with a professional photo, a clear headline, and a detailed summary.
    • Ensure your LinkedIn Company Page is complete with a logo, cover image, description, and relevant information.
  2. Set Clear Goals:
    • Define your marketing objectives, whether it’s increasing brand visibility, generating leads, driving website traffic, or establishing thought leadership.
  3. Identify Your Target Audience:
    • Determine the demographics, industries, job titles, and interests of your target audience on LinkedIn.
  4. Content Strategy:
    • Develop a content strategy that aligns with your goals and resonates with your target audience.
    • Share a mix of content, including industry insights, thought leadership pieces, case studies, how-to guides, and relevant news.
  5. Original Content:
    • Publish original articles on LinkedIn’s publishing platform to showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience.
  6. Visual Content:
    • Use images, videos, infographics, and other visual elements to make your content more engaging and shareable.
  7. LinkedIn Pulse:
    • Follow and engage with industry influencers and thought leaders to stay updated on trends and engage with their content.
  8. LinkedIn Groups:
    • Join relevant LinkedIn Groups and participate in discussions to showcase your expertise and connect with professionals in your industry.
  9. Sponsored Content and Ads:
    • Use LinkedIn’s advertising options, such as sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads, to target specific audiences based on demographics, job titles, and industries.
  10. Lead Generation Forms:
    • Use LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms to capture leads directly from sponsored content campaigns, making it easy for users to express interest in your offers.
  11. Showcase Pages:
    • If your company offers multiple products or services, consider creating Showcase Pages to highlight specific offerings and tailor content for different audiences.
  12. Employee Advocacy:
    • Encourage your employees to share company content and engage with your posts. This amplifies your reach and adds a personal touch.
  13. Webinars and Events:
    • Promote webinars, workshops, conferences, and other industry events through your LinkedIn profile and Company Page.
  14. Data and Insights:
    • Use LinkedIn Analytics to track engagement metrics, follower growth, and post performance. Analyze the data to refine your strategy.
  15. Engagement Strategy:
    • Respond to comments and messages promptly, engaging with your audience in meaningful conversations.
  16. LinkedIn Live:
    • If available to your profile, consider using LinkedIn Live to host live events, Q&A sessions, product launches, and more.
  17. Measure and Adjust::
    • Regularly review your LinkedIn marketing efforts. Assess what’s working, refine your strategy, and adapt based on audience response.
LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing Options

LinkedIn allows you to drive traffic to your website, identify quality leads, share your expertise through thought-leadership content, and grow your network. It’s also a great way to market job openings and attract new talent to your company. Using ads will amplify all of these benefits to make them even more useful for your business. There are different types of ads you can use on LinkedIn, each one is crafted to help you achieve different goals for your business.

LinkedIn offers several types of advertising options to help businesses reach their target audience, generate leads, and achieve their marketing goals. Here are the main types of ads available on LinkedIn:

  1. Sponsored Content:
    • Description: Sponsored Content appears in users’ LinkedIn feeds as native posts. It allows you to promote your company updates, articles, videos, and other content to a targeted audience.
    • Benefits: Increases brand visibility, engagement, and website traffic.
    • Format: Image or video with a headline, description, and call-to-action button.
  2. Sponsored InMail:
    • Description: Sponsored InMail delivers personalized messages directly to users’ LinkedIn inboxes. It’s ideal for sending targeted messages to prospects and driving conversions.
    • Benefits: Direct and personalized communication, high open rates.
    • Format: Text-based message with a call-to-action button.
  3. Display Ads:
    • Description: Display Ads are shown on the right-hand side of LinkedIn’s desktop interface. They include your company logo, an image, a headline, and a description.
    • Benefits: Increased brand visibility, especially for desktop users.
    • Format: Logo, image, headline, and description.
  4. Dynamic Ads:
    • Description: Dynamic Ads automatically personalize content, such as the user’s profile image, name, and job title, to create highly targeted and engaging ads.
    • Benefits: Highly personalized and relevant ads, increases click-through rates.
    • Formats: Follower Ads, Spotlight Ads, Content Ads, Job Ads, and Display Ads.
  5. Text Ads:
    • Description: Text Ads appear at the top, bottom, or side of users’ LinkedIn pages. They are simple and concise text-based ads.
    • Benefits: Cost-effective option, targeted reach.
    • Format: Short headline, description, and customizable image.
  6. LinkedIn Carousel Ads:
    • Description: Carousel Ads allow you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad unit. Users can swipe through the carousel to see different content pieces.
    • Benefits: Storytelling and showcasing multiple products or features in a single ad.
    • Format: Images or videos with headlines, descriptions, and individual destination URLs.
  7. LinkedIn Video Ads:
    • Description: Video Ads appear in users’ LinkedIn feeds and can be either standalone videos or promoted organic videos.
    • Benefits: Engaging and impactful content format, increases engagement and brand recall.
    • Format: Native video format with headline, description, and call-to-action button.
  8. LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms:
    • Description: These ads allow users to submit their information directly within the ad itself. It simplifies lead generation by pre-filling form fields using the user’s LinkedIn profile data.
    • Benefits: Streamlines lead generation, reduces friction, and increases conversions.
    • Format: Form fields integrated into the ad, customizable questions.

Linkedin Ad Specs

here are the general ad specifications for some of the common LinkedIn ad formats:
  1. Sponsored Content:
    • Image Size: 1200 x 627 pixels (recommended)
    • Image File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF
    • Headline: Up to 70 characters
    • Description: Up to 150 characters
    • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from predefined options
  2. Sponsored InMail:
    • Message Length: Up to 2000 characters
    • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from predefined options
  3. Display Ads:
    • Image Size: 300 x 250 pixels (rectangle), 300 x 600 pixels (tall skyscraper)
    • Image File Format: JPG, PNG
    • Headline: Up to 25 characters
    • Description: Up to 75 characters
  4. Dynamic Ads:
    • Depending on the type of Dynamic Ad (Follower Ad, Spotlight Ad, Content Ad, Job Ad):
      • Follower Ad: Image size 300 x 250 pixels
      • Spotlight Ad: Image size 100 x 100 pixels
      • Content Ad: Image size 100 x 100 pixels
      • Job Ad: Image size 100 x 100 pixels
    • Text: Headline up to 25 characters, description up to 75 characters
  5. Text Ads:
    • Image Size: 100 x 100 pixels
    • Image File Format: JPG, PNG
    • Headline: Up to 25 characters
    • Description: Up to 75 characters
  6. LinkedIn Carousel Ads:
    • Image Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels
    • Image File Format: JPG, PNG
    • Headline: Up to 45 characters
    • Description: Up to 30 characters per card
    • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from predefined options
  7. LinkedIn Video Ads:
    • Video Format: MP4
    • Video Length: Up to 30 minutes (recommended: 15 seconds to 3 minutes)
    • Video Resolution: 360p to 1080p
    • Headline: Up to 70 characters
    • Description: Up to 150 characters
    • Thumbnail Image: 1200 x 675 pixels
  8. LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms:
    • Introduction: Up to 150 characters
    • Offer Details: Up to 150 characters
    • Call-to-Action Button: Choose from predefined options
    • Form Fields: You can customize the form fields you want to collect from users.

LinkedIn Successful Ad Examples

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of an ad depends on factors like targeting, messaging, timing, and audience engagement. Here are a few examples of successful LinkedIn ad campaigns:

  1. HubSpot – “Grow Better” Campaign: HubSpot’s “Grow Better” campaign used a combination of Sponsored Content and Sponsored InMail to promote their inbound marketing solutions. The campaign resonated with LinkedIn users by addressing common business challenges and offering solutions. The ads featured compelling visuals, concise copy, and clear calls to action.
  2. Microsoft – “The Future Computed”: Microsoft’s “The Future Computed” campaign utilized native ads with long-form content to promote thought leadership pieces about AI and technology’s impact on industries. These ads showcased Microsoft’s expertise and positioned the company as a leader in the tech space.
  3. Adobe – “Experience Maker”: Adobe’s “Experience Maker” campaign used video ads to highlight success stories from their customers, showcasing how Adobe solutions transformed their businesses. These video testimonials resonated with LinkedIn’s professional audience and demonstrated the value of Adobe’s products.
  4. General Electric (GE) – “Invention Don’t Ask”: GE’s “Invention Don’t Ask” campaign featured engaging and interactive Carousel Ads. Each card highlighted a different aspect of GE’s innovation and technology initiatives. The campaign’s visually appealing format and intriguing headline captured users’ attention and encouraged them to explore more.
  5. IBM – “Smarter Workforce”: IBM’s “Smarter Workforce” campaign used Sponsored Content to promote their solutions for improving workforce engagement and productivity. The content focused on industry challenges and how IBM’s tools could address them. The use of relevant visuals and data-driven insights contributed to the campaign’s success.
  6. Dell – “Let’s Make It Real”: Dell’s “Let’s Make It Real” campaign utilized dynamic ads to personalize content for different audience segments. The campaign showcased how Dell’s technology solutions could help businesses achieve their goals. The personalization and relevancy of the ads contributed to higher engagement rates.

Why You Should Consider Using LinkedIn for Marketing

LinkedIn marketing offers several benefits for businesses and professionals looking to connect, engage, and promote their brand in a professional network. Here are some key benefits of LinkedIn marketing:

  1. Targeted Audience: LinkedIn has a user base that primarily consists of professionals, executives, and decision-makers from various industries. This platform allows you to target your marketing efforts towards specific demographics, job titles, industries, and even company sizes, ensuring that your message reaches the right audience.
  2. Brand Awareness: LinkedIn offers a platform to showcase your brand’s identity, values, and expertise. By consistently sharing valuable content and participating in relevant discussions, you can establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and increase brand awareness.
  3. Lead Generation: LinkedIn is an effective platform for generating high-quality leads. Through targeted advertising, content marketing, and engagement with potential clients or customers, you can attract individuals who are genuinely interested in your products or services.
  4. Networking Opportunities: LinkedIn is known as the world’s largest professional networking platform. It provides ample opportunities to connect with other professionals, industry peers, potential clients, and collaborators. Building a strong network can lead to partnerships, referrals, and business growth.
  5. Content Sharing: LinkedIn allows you to share various types of content, such as articles, videos, infographics, and more. Sharing valuable and relevant content can help you demonstrate your expertise, educate your audience, and engage with your network.
  6. Recruitment and Talent Acquisition: For businesses, LinkedIn serves as a valuable tool for finding and attracting top talent. You can showcase your company culture, job opportunities, and employee success stories to attract potential candidates.
  7. B2B Marketing: LinkedIn is particularly effective for business-to-business (B2B) marketing. It enables you to connect with decision-makers, initiate business partnerships, and engage in conversations relevant to your industry.
  8. Analytics and Insights: LinkedIn offers robust analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of your posts, ads, and campaigns. This data helps you understand what’s working and adjust your strategies accordingly for better results.
  9. Cost-Effective Advertising: LinkedIn’s advertising options, such as sponsored content and sponsored InMail, can be cost-effective compared to other platforms when targeting specific professional demographics. This can lead to better ROI for your marketing budget.
  10. Professional Credibility: By sharing informative and educational content, participating in discussions, and engaging with your network, you can enhance your professional credibility and position yourself as an authority in your field.
  11. Influence and Thought Leadership: Consistently providing valuable insights and contributing to industry discussions can establish you as a thought leader. This can lead to speaking opportunities, media coverage, and invitations to industry events.
  12. Measurable Results: LinkedIn’s analytics tools provide detailed insights into your marketing efforts, allowing you to track engagement, reach, click-through rates, and other key metrics. This data helps you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions.

How Much Do Linkedin Ads Cost?

The cost of LinkedIn ads can vary widely based on several factors, including your targeting criteria, ad format, bidding strategy, industry, and the competition within your chosen audience. LinkedIn offers various ad formats, and each format comes with its own pricing structure. Here are some common ad formats on LinkedIn and factors that influence their cost:

  1. Sponsored Content: These are native ads that appear in users’ LinkedIn feeds. The cost is typically based on a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model. The average CPC can range from $2 to $7, while the average CPM can range from $8 to $12.
  2. Sponsored InMail: Sponsored InMail allows you to send personalized messages to users’ LinkedIn inboxes. This format is typically charged on a cost-per-send basis. The cost per send can vary but is generally higher than other ad formats due to its personalized nature.
  3. Display Ads: These are banner ads that appear on the sidebar of LinkedIn’s desktop interface. Display ads are typically charged on a CPM basis, with costs ranging from $2 to $5 per thousand impressions.
  4. Dynamic Ads: These are personalized ads that include the user’s profile picture and name. Dynamic ads are usually charged on a CPM basis, with costs similar to display ads.
  5. Text Ads: These are small, text-based ads that appear on the sidebar of LinkedIn’s desktop interface. Text ads are generally priced on a CPC basis, with costs ranging from $1 to $5 per click.

How to Set Up a Business LinkedIn Page

Setting up a business LinkedIn page is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and set up your business LinkedIn page:

  1. Log In or Sign Up: If you already have a personal LinkedIn account, log in. If not, sign up for a LinkedIn account.
  2. Create a Page: Once you’re logged in, go to the LinkedIn homepage. Click on the “Work” dropdown menu in the top navigation bar and select “Create a Company Page.”
  3. Choose Company Size: Select the size of your company. You can choose between “Small business,” “Medium to large business,” or “Showcase page” (a separate page for a specific product, brand, or initiative).
  4. Company Name and Details: Enter your company name and choose a LinkedIn Public URL for your page. Provide a brief description of your company, its industry, and its website URL.
  5. Profile and Logo: Upload a profile picture (usually your company logo) and a cover image that represents your brand visually.
  6. Company Details: Fill out essential information such as your company’s location, industry, company type, and company size.
  7. Website and Specialties: Add your company’s website URL and list up to 20 specialties or keywords that represent your company’s areas of expertise.
  8. Privacy Settings: Choose who can view your page followers: “Everyone” or “Admins only.” You can also choose whether to display the option for LinkedIn members to follow your page.
  9. Review and Publish: Review the information you’ve entered and make sure everything is accurate. Click the “Create page” button to publish your business page.
  10. Verify Ownership (If Required): Depending on your company’s name and other factors, LinkedIn might ask you to verify your affiliation with the company by providing your official email address.
  11. Add More Details: After your page is created, you can further enhance it by adding additional details, such as recent updates, job openings, videos, and featured content.
  12. Publish Content: Start sharing relevant content, articles, updates, and announcements on your business page to engage with your audience and build a following.
  13. Invite Connections to Follow: Use the “Invite connections to follow” feature to send invitations to your LinkedIn connections, inviting them to follow your business page.
  14. Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, messages, and engage with your followers’ content to build relationships and foster community engagement.

Remember that a well-optimized LinkedIn business page can serve as a valuable tool for brand visibility, engagement, and networking within your industry. Regularly update your page with fresh content and ensure that your branding and messaging align with your company’s goals and values.


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